No one left behind,
let's make this purpose
come true
Pur-Ple, connecting purpose with people
What we do?
Pur-ple exists to foster equality and inclusion
We are a research and social innovation consulting firm that makes real the purpose of investors, foundations and organizations to achieve a greater social impact in marginalized communities in Latin America.
How we do it?

Our methodology is aligned with the 5 steps of the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA), the 5 dimensions of the Impact Management Project (IMP), the Human Rights Approach and a decolonial perspective.
Our services
Analysis of local contexts and co-identification of needs.

We provide a holistic and in-depth understanding of local realities and identify needs with communities in order to ensure an appropriate impact for each population, issue and locality/region.
Theory of change development and strategy co-definition

We develop the theory of change and co-define strategies for the promotion and protection of human rights and for greater social impact by dialoguing the purpose of organizations and foundations with the needs and perspectives of communities and beneficiaries.
Support in the implementation of projects and public policies

We accompany the implementation process of strategies, programs and projects ensuring that their purpose is connected to the needs of communities and individuals.
Establishing partnerships and collaborative ecosystems

We identify alliances and create collaborative ecosystems that promote greater equality and inclusion in a sustainable manner.
Institutional capacity building

We carry out training processes in human centered design and human rights approach aimed at deepening the competencies of organizations and institutions to improve their social impact and the effective respect for the rights of beneficiary communities.
Design and implementation of measurement and evaluation systems

We build measurement and evaluation systems that are appropriate for each project using quantitative and qualitative methodologies and incorporating the voice of the communities in this process.
Design of decolonialism strategies in philanthropy.

We develop, together with organizations, communities and other actors, strategies that allow us to rethink the structures, conformation, dynamics, internal and external processes of philanthropic organizations in order to move towards the transformation of funding strategies from the perspective of the South.
Local context analysis and identification of social impact opportunities

We provide a holistic and in-depth understanding of local realities and identify needs with communities to ensure appropriate impact for each population, issue and locality/region.
Developing theory of change and co-defining social impact strategies

We develop the theory of change and co-define social impact strategies by bringing the purpose of organizations and investors into dialogue with the needs and perspectives of communities and beneficiaries.
Training workshops for impact investment

We carry out training processes on the incorporation of the human centered design methodology and the human rights approach for the development of impact investment projects.
Consolidation of impact ecosystems

We identify relevant actors in the local context and create alliances with them in order to strengthen and scale social impact in the community.
Social impact evaluation of the investment

At the end of the investment, we analyze the social impact from an integral perspective and from a human rights approach. We also evaluate the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Analysis of local contexts and co-identification of impact opportunities

We provide a holistic and in-depth understanding of local realities and identify needs with communities in order to ensure appropriate impact for each population, issue and locality/region.
Developing theory of change and co-defining social impact strategies

We develop the theory of change and co-define strategies that ensure greater social impact by bringing the purpose of companies and their foundations into dialogue with the needs and perspectives of the communities and beneficiaries.
Project implementation support

We accompany the implementation process of strategies, programs and projects ensuring that their purpose is connected to the needs of communities and individuals.
Institutional capacity building

We carry out training processes in human centered design and human rights approach aimed at deepening the competencies of companies and foundations to improve their social impact.
Design and implementation of measurement and evaluation systems

We build measurement and evaluation systems that are appropriate for each project using quantitative and qualitative methodologies and incorporating the voice of the communities in this process.
Content production

We produce content that allows us to reliably communicate the impact achieved.
Our services
international cooperation
and public institutions

Analysis of local contexts and co-identification of needs.
We provide a holistic and in-depth understanding of local realities and identify needs with communities in order to ensure an appropriate impact for each population, issue and locality/region.

Theory of change development and strategy co-definition
We develop the theory of change and co-define strategies for the promotion and protection of human rights and for greater social impact by dialoguing the purpose of organizations and foundations with the needs and perspectives of communities and beneficiaries.

Support in the implementation of projects and public policies
We accompany the implementation process of strategies, programs and projects ensuring that their purpose is connected to the needs of communities and individuals.

Establishing partnerships and collaborative ecosystems
We identify alliances and create collaborative ecosystems that promote greater equality and inclusion in a sustainable manner.

Institutional capacity building
We carry out training processes in human centered design and human rights approach aimed at deepening the competencies of organizations and institutions to improve their social impact and the effective respect for the rights of beneficiary communities.

Design and implementation of measurement and evaluation systems
We build measurement and evaluation systems that are appropriate for each project using quantitative and qualitative methodologies and incorporating the voice of the communities in this process.

Design of decolonialism strategies in philanthropy.
We develop, together with organizations, communities and other actors, strategies that allow us to rethink the structures, conformation, dynamics, internal and external processes of philanthropic organizations in order to move towards the transformation of funding strategies from the perspective of the South.

Analysis of local contexts and co-identification of impact opportunities
We provide a holistic and in-depth understanding of local realities and identify needs with communities in order to ensure appropriate impact for each population, issue and locality/region.

Developing theory of change and co-defining social impact strategies
We develop the theory of change and co-define strategies that ensure greater social impact by bringing the purpose of companies and their foundations into dialogue with the needs and perspectives of the communities and beneficiaries.

Project implementation support
We accompany the implementation process of strategies, programs and projects ensuring that their purpose is connected to the needs of communities and individuals.

Institutional capacity building
We carry out training processes in human centered design and human rights approach aimed at deepening the competencies of companies and foundations to improve their social impact.

Design and implementation of measurement and evaluation systems
We build measurement and evaluation systems that are appropriate for each project using quantitative and qualitative methodologies and incorporating the voice of the communities in this process.

Content production
We produce content that allows us to reliably communicate the impact achieved.

Local context analysis and identification of social impact opportunities
We provide a holistic and in-depth understanding of local realities and identify needs with communities to ensure appropriate impact for each population, issue and locality/region.

Developing theory of change and co-defining social impact strategies
We develop the theory of change and co-define social impact strategies by bringing the purpose of organizations and investors into dialogue with the needs and perspectives of communities and beneficiaries.

Training workshops for impact investment
We carry out training processes on the incorporation of the human centered design methodology and the human rights approach for the development of impact investment projects.

Consolidation of impact ecosystems
We identify relevant actors in the local context and create alliances with them in order to strengthen and scale social impact in the community.

Social impact evaluation of the investment
At the end of the investment, we analyze the social impact from an integral perspective and from a human rights approach. We also evaluate the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our projects
Organizations we work with
to foster more equality and inclusion
Who trust us

Our partners

Our experience
Carrying out projects that aim to improve quality of life is a complex process that requires the voice and experience of the people involved, the understanding of local contexts, the knowledge and analysis of historical inequalities, the recognition of the intersectionalities involved, and a deep exercise of empathy.
The need to address human rights issues and social impact in a different way, promoting the effective participation of communities, is what motivated us to create Pur-ple.
Working for more than 16 years in the field of human rights in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa, these are some of the co-founders results:
Our team
We are an interdisciplinary team – anthropologists, lawyers, sociologists, political scientists, economists, communicators – with vast experience in working with women, children and adolescents, migrants and refugees, people with disabilities, the LGBTIQ+ population, human rights defenders, indigenous peoples, afro-descendants, among others.
Our team specializes in the design, implementation and evaluation of projects and public policies from a human rights approach.