Socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan people in Latin America.
The impact of a Regional Strategy in Latin America and the Caribbean for the socioeconomic integration of migrants from Venezuela.

How is the impact of a regional strategy for the socioeconomic integration of migrants measured?

What do we want to change?
The Venezuelan migration phenomenon in Latin America showed that the region was not prepared to receive large-scale flows of people in a short period of time. In addition to this, the inequality and low productive capacity of the receiving economies, where even nationals have difficulty accessing decent employment, generate challenges for the economic integration of migrants, returnees and refugees.
Within this framework, the ILO developed a Regional Strategy in Latin America and the Caribbean for the socioeconomic integration of migrants from Venezuela. This instrument is addressed to the main host countries of the refugee and migrant population from Venezuela; in particular, to government institutions that have some degree of competence in the socioeconomic integration of this population and to employers’ and workers’ organizations, with the aim of promoting social dialogue in this area.

What is our contribution?
Pur-ple collaborated with the independent mid-term evaluation process of this strategy in Argentina and Chile. The evaluation was carried out by focusing on the voices of the beneficiaries as well as those in charge of its implementation. This process took into account the relevance, coherence and validity of the design, effectiveness, efficiency, impact orientation and sustainability.